
We believe that through the church, God works in visible, tangible ways. We call these Sacraments. Here is a bit of information about how we experience the Sacraments at St. Mark's.

  • Baptism

    Also known as Christening, Baptism is the initiation rite for new Christians. Oil and water symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit, as the candidate (or in the case of child baptism, the parents) commits him or her life to the way of Christ. 

    Baptism is always held in the Sunday Eucharist as it is a welcome into the family of the church, and the candidate (or parents) make a commitment to turn to Christ and be part of the church community. 

    For more information or to request to be baptized at St. Mark's, please contact Kelli Schmidt at

  • Eucharist

    The main rite of the Church, Eucharist is both a remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection, through the events of Jesus' last supper with his friends, and a celebration of Christ's living presence with us now, today, this moment! The acts of our worship serve to reconnect us to the living Presence of Christ in us and in all. 

    The first half of the service (The Word) proclaims God's relationship with God's people in history and sayings or acts of Jesus and the preacher draws our attention to God's on-going engagement with the world and each of us. In the second part (Communion) we eat the bread and drink from the cup to remind ourselves that God is with us in all. 

  • Marriage

    The sacrament of marriage celebrates God's love for humanity in the most intimate setting of a couple's love for each other. The rite beautifully expresses God's love as seen in the love of the engaged couple who come with family and friends to confirm their commitment to live together.

    We are delighted and proud to perform the marriage ceremonies for gay and straight couples and our liturgies have been made to reflect this. 

    For more information or to request to be married at St. Mark's, please contact Kelli Schmidt at

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation is the rite in which a young adult confirms the promises made by parents at her/his baptism.  The young person enters the catechumenate - a period of preparation - to learn about the Christian way and discern if this is indeed his or her calling.  The service is presided over by the Bishop, often in the Cathedral Church of St. James, Chicago. 

  • Burial

    The Prayer Book says, "In the midst of life we are in death" and so we are reminded that God's love holds us in life and in death, into the life eternal. 

    Our worship is both a celebration of the life of our deceased loved one and a commendation of his/her life to God. 

    For more information or to request a funeral at St. Mark's, please contact Kelli Schmidt at